Dear parents,
(Sent to 22 families with copy to all teachers)
You are receiving this mail because you are a new family who has been given admission.
Welcome to the 2019 season of the Purna Vidya Program!
The MANDATORY orientation for ALL families is scheduled between 2 PM and 3:15 PM (some families will finish later) on September 7, 2019. at Indian Springs Elementary School (address on web site)
2:00 – 2:30 – Payment of dues, verification of information
2:30 – 2:45 – Teacher Introduction
2:45 – 3:15 – General Orientation
3:15 – 3:30 – Special meeting ONLY for 11th & 12th grade students’ parents
3:30 – 4:00 – Special meeting ONLY for families joining this year or joined last year.
The timings of the meetings in red are not exact. They will depend on when previous events finish. This orientation is only for the PARENTS. Please do not bring children.
If, for whatever reason, neither member of a family is going to be able to attend, you need to call us ASAP at 614-476-2844!!!
Children of parents not showing up on Sep 7 will lose 2 days’ attendance.
You will receive a follow up email detailing about the donation and the cost of the books that the parent’s need to pay on the day of the orientation.
Warm Regards,
1. On Orientation Day (Saturday), the lobby doors will close once Padma begins the teacher introduction at approximately 2:30 PM.
2. On Opening Day (Sunday), we request all parents to try their best to come. If both can’t come, at least one parent per family, please. Try to bring your children in yourselves (rather than car pool), at least on that day.
2025 © purnavidya. ALL Rights Reserved.